Nothing is never enough for my 6 year old?

My child is spoiled and the reason I know this is because nothing is ever enough for the kid!

He's not my biological son but I'm the only mother figure in his life so he's attached to me as if I were his biological mother.

It's getting extremely irritating because when I dedicate my whole day to him, he still gives me the whole "I'm sad" spiel because I didn't do MORE.

One time, he threw a tantrum. We had played together all day. I took him to my favorite park as a kid. I got us a meal at a restaurant. And this is all after I came from an 8 hour work day. We had ice cream at home. Then, when I tell him to take a bath, he starts screaming and yelling because he didn't get to play minecraft?! I obviously put my foot down and got angry and put him in his place but this one instance obviously hasn't stopped him from complaining about wanting more.

Another instance is when he came back from his grandpa's house and he had a sad face again. I asked what was wrong and he said,"Grandpa barely let me play. I only played for 5 hours." 5 hours is a lot!

How do I teach him to be thankful for what he has and gets?!

How do I end this complaining?

My daughter is 7 and she's pretty much the same. Nothing is ever enough for her. When she gets one doll she'll start talking about another doll she wants only moments later. No amount of playing is enough for her. Even after I've played with her all day she says we didn't play enough and makes me feel guilty. Do you know why she this carries on because I let it. I recently broke down and talked to one of my friends and she was straight with me. She said it was all my fault. I have to limit play time. I have to limit what I buy her. So she can appreciate things more. Next time he wants to play tell him you can't right now. Even if he screams and cries. You have to let him learn that he can't always have his way

This is completely normal for a little kid, its not that he is selfish its just at that age he thinks the whole world revolves around him and everyone should give him all their attention 24/7, he will grow out of it, but not for a good few years yet

Who spoils him?!

Read "How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk and Listen so Kids will Talk" by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

He's learned that throwing a tantrum gets him the reward he wants. You need to teach him that no means no. If he continues throwing tantrums, then send him to his room with no TV and no electronics. Do NOT give into his tantrums.

Stop taking so much care of him and hire a baby sitter so you can be good to yourself whenever you want to be and tell your 6 year old, this is mommy time and not his time.

Hes doing that cause hes 6, just pray he grows up fast, thats all you can do