My niece has an HP Pavilion Laptop and we're trying to connect to our wireless?

Our other devices are working fine. We can see ours and our neighbours wireless signals but ours has a little red circle with a white cross on it. If I click on it to connect a message appears saying 'The settings saved on this computer for the network do not match the requirements of the network'

I'm confused because she's had her laptop here before and connected with no problems.

Could be that their wireless card isn't capable of using the Wi-Fi your router is outputing, try setting up a Ethernet cord and see if that works!

What operating system?

Is that connection already stored on the Laptop? If yes, try to delete it and to re-connect to the Wi-FI. Maybe something got mixed up with the encryption type or, the password has changed on the Access Point but on the Laptop is still an old Password?