Most overrated video game?

To me, it a tie between Angry Birds and Minecraft. Most of its fanbase is full of 10 year olds.

Minecraft hit the nail on the head IMO

Final Fantasy… From 7 onward the games are nothing but soap operas - filled with asinine characters, people of indistinguishable gender and stupid hair.

Plus, the way the games' man-child fanboys gush over characters like preteen girls do Justin Beiber is creepy as hell…

Any Call of Duty games made after 2009.

I don't think any game is overrated. Sure there are a ton of games that I think are stupid but that's just my opinion because others may think those games are underrated.

Any COD game made after MW2

Seriously? You've already said *kids* to an every question you've put. Do you think every game has 10 year old kids inside it? You're the kid one I'm telling ya.

No game is really overrated imo, it just depends on what games you find interesting and fun.

I think halo and cod are both highly overrated. But that's my opinion.

Any GTA or COD.

So is COD

mass effect
and resident evil 4

Call of Booty.