Mojang has not sent a email verification email?

Mojang the makers of minecraft have not sent me a email verification email to verify it so I can buy minecraft, I registered at 6pm yesterday and I haven't gotten a email yet I;ve tried multiple emails all fail and I've cheked my spam box. Is it that since mojang a small companythey don't send automated emails on weekends or what is wrong I've been waiting for over 12hours and no email please help!

Mojang is not a small company, but i'm not sure, try a different computer sry i don't know

Hav you tried contacting them about the issue

It may be because it's the weekend but that shouldn't matter. If I were you, I would just try again during the week and see if it works and it gives you an email. If it doesn't try contacting Mojang by emailing them, or calling them if you can.

Mojan has not sent a email verification email