Okay, so when downloading minecraft forge so i can download mods, when i tried to download it, a message popped saying that i must first have opened the 1.6.4 version manually at least once, but i don't know what that means or what its asking me to do… I have the 1.7.4 update for minecraft. Or 1.7.3 one of the two, so i don't get what its asking for me to do? Can someone help me download minecraft forge?
When downloading forge for minecraft i came across a problem?
Colt Horn
Forge hasn't yet been updated for 1.7.4, so if you want to run it, the most recent version of Minecraft you can run is 1.6.4. Open up Minecraft and it'll go to the launcher screen (the one where you normally sign in that has information about the latest patch, etc.) Near the bottom you'll see a few drop-down boxes. One of them should allow you to select an earlier version of Minecraft to run.
The other thing you could do is download FTB. It's got a bunch of different mod packs that will suit your needs, and it's pretty simple to run. There's a link to the FTB site below. Most importantly, it'll automatically download the appropriate version of Forge and Minecraft to your computer.
Yeah, what Terras said. XD