What browser can I use that doesn't take up so much CPU?

Hi. I need a browser for Gaming. Not something like web-gaming, I mean like PC gaming. I play Team Fortress 2, Garry's Mod, Left 4 Dead 2, Portal 2, Minecraft Etc. Every time I use Chrome, the browser has several different Processes running with each new tab open, around 60,000k of CPU usage on one tab alone. A major cause of this is mainly the (needed) GPU usage. I need a Browser that can allow me to surf the web for a short amount of time while playing a game. CPU is very well needed in game like TF2 and Gmod. Does any one here have a good a idea for a shaven down Browser that doesn't take up so much CPU usage?

The browsers shouldn't be the problem your computer is:/

60k cpu useage on a tab is the norm, the others you see are the "other tabs" the primary one takes the bulk. But only 60k useage doesn't eat that much at all, its not even a full 1%, so it won't impact your gaming at all.
Sounds like those games are too much for your computer. Should look into a new motherboard / processor or a video card (depends on the equipment you currently have).