Modded minecraft gui

Ok so i have the technic minecraft launcher and want to play the mod pack: big dig but when i load it up my whole gui is upside down and reverse? I tried i different mod pack but the same thing happened, any help would be so much appreciated

oh btw i play on a mac.



Added (1). file://localhost/Volumes/Data/Users/klud…

for picture of home screen ^

Is "big dig" the first modpack you tried? Or did you play another mod before?

If so, try to reset the option to default or reinstall the game.

btw, are you using a stable version of the modpack? Did you change anything in the modpack and is it installed properly?

ow yea, I can't see your screenshot. You gave the localation of the screen of your local pc. I can only see that screen if i'm on your pc.