Minecraft mod suggestions?

I'm building a modpack for galacticraft for 1.7.10
Here is what I already have: Galacticraft, Mekanism, Biomes O Plenty, Tinkerers Construct, Tree Capitator, Reis Minimap, Not Enough Items.

Any more suggestions?

Galacticraft ttllgk

I'm a big fan of the following:

Storage Drawers
Applied Energistics 2 (aka AE2)
Logistic Pipes (which can work as a replacement for AE2, but takes up a lot more space and materials, its a lot more fun to watch though)
Open Blocks (a collection of useful blocks and modification)
Extra Utilities (another collection of useful blocks and items)
Pam's Harvest Craft (tons of new crops and food items)
Draconic Evolution (late game super-items, including near-infinite power storage and generation)
Biomes O' Plenty (Makes world generation more interesting)
Inventory Tweaks (Unbelievably useful sorting of inventory and chests.)
Botania (is a magic mod with a UI-free crafting system)
Waila (identifies blocks you are looking at, very useful when a lot of mods exist)
Advanced Generators (a useful power mod compatible with all major power sources, good for early-ish to middle-tier power.)
Thuamcraft (and it's add-ons) (a fun magic mod with a lot of useful blocks)
Big Reactors (good for middle-tier to late-tier power)

And this is just a partial list. There were a lot of classic mods in 1.7.x that never made it to higher versions.