Minecraft: FTB Crash Landing Mod Pack Help?
Minecraft: FTB Crash Landing Mod Pack
I need help trying to get my inventory to light up. It randomly became dim at one point, i even tried reloading and emptying inventory into a chest but nothing.
When you hit the "E" key and it brings up everything you can craft on the right at the bottom where you can type in a search try double clicking it. It should re-highlight your inventory and remove the yellow bar around the search bar.
I died and went in to my synce modle and now it says that i have no enviermental infomation. How do i get it back
How do I get the Mod pack
I try to download it but it says SEVERE unable to launch?
Well if you die and it dus that you re-log
I need the pack!
Guest 01.01.2015
Yea how do you get it anyway?
Guest 09.09.2016