Laptop very slow for playing games with 12gb ram?

I have a 6gb pc which i recently upgraded to 12 but it hasn't really sped up.
I play minecraft you may have heard of with 80 mods. I allocated 4gb to it. Sometimes ill be lucky and get 40-70 fps with settings for high fps then it just drops to 1 fps.People on a server i play minecraft with say that they have lower pc specs than i do and they get constant 80 fps Which i will list here.

Processor: AMD A10-5757M APU with Radeon(tm) HD graphics 2.50GHZ

ram: 12.0 gb 11.4 gb usable

system type: 64-bit Operating system, x64-based processor

running windows 10

And if i have to buy some new part i can't do that because my dad wouldnt let me and i can't really afford anything above $200.

That's because memory doesn't have anything to do with the system's speed.

Yes, if memory gets full it can slow things down as the system swaps memory around, but that doesn't mean that more memory makes things faster.

especially in Minecraft, the GPU doesn't really matter, either. It's almost all CPU, which you don't state what its speed is, so we don't know how old it is, if it's i3, i7, etc.

That's likely your slow down.

Well any ideas on like how to improve game speed?