Yeah i'm a expert minecraft player but i seem to float up into the sky without pressing the spacebar but if i double tap the space bar or press shift to go down it feels like there's barely any gravity and when i jump it feels like i'm on the moon. This is one of my favorite maps so please don't ask me to delete the map or make backups. And yes i do have mods but i tried to delete them but it did not work at all. The main one that i deleted was galacticraft and mcdoodlecore and the rest i kept (i have 30+ mods) like the furniture mod and stuff but it still dosent work. I NEED URGENT Help!
I seem to float in the sky without pressing the spacebar in minecraft?
It's more than likely a mod that you have installed that affects the gravity in Minecraft. Perhaps it glitched. Try opening the save file using an unmodded minecraft.jar. This should fix your problem.