How to get rid of errors on Garry's Mod/where to download textures?

I have Garry's Mod on my pc. Whevever I go on a multiplayer servers, except for the ones that use the minecraft and doll/teen room maps, a bunch of errors always show up. I know i have to download "Counter Strike: Source" but I really don't feel like paying the money to do that, because I probably won't even play it. The Garry's Mod FAQ said that I could download the textures for the game, but didn't say where. So where do I download these textures for free? Please, please help.

There's no what to do it without getting source. I've looked into it for the same reason and i couldnt find anything that didn't give me a virus. My suggestion, wait for another steam sale (like every other day almost) and buy source. I had to do it but when i did, i got both source and gmod for a total of $7. Trust me. Wait

Well g mod uses textures from other games for multiplayer, what to do to fix this error is 1. Buy a game called counter strike source for 25$, 2. Open the game 3. Close that then open g mod 4. Have fun

Here's a good free option that worked for me:
Go to a website (I don't remember the name, I believe it was and click the tab titled GarryContent. Select whichever game textures you want then use the MEGA link. The other ones make you want literally hours with their download cap of 200kB/s, as the cs textures are around 1.5GB.
EDIT: found the website. Listed it in sources.