How I get a cape on minecraft no mods?

How I get a cape on minecraft no mods?

You had to attend Minecon. Without attending Minecon then the only other way to get a cape is with a mod of some sort.

Attending next year's MineCon would probably get you one. To the best of my knowledge the only way to get a cape is to be given one by a Minecraft admin.

All "no mod" capes are given directly to your account. There's no way to get one on your own.

Optifine Is a easy way to get a cheap cape
Check it out!

If that doesn't get you then all I can say is to either buy a Minecon cape which will run you about 400$ or just wait for the next Minecon witch tickets run at about 200$

EDIT: You can also get a cape if you work for Mojang!