Cheapest build that can max out these games?

I want max settings, ~60FPS (or higher), on Minecraft, Garry's Mod, Hidden: Source Beta 4B, and Team Fortress Two. With 3 monitors at 1080p each (24 to 27 inch displays). I know the games are not that demanding, I'm just wondering what price range I should be looking at excluding the monitors. PC Part Picker lists and/or typing parts in the replies are greatly accepted!

Also, would the GTX 750ti work for this?

Perform a search for the most demanding application you expect to run and "recommended hardware". This will show you what you need. You can then use the following pages to find hardware which performs equal to or better than that:\

Alternatively, use a site like and search for your game and enter the hardware you are considering.

Go with a i5 or i7 and a 750ti