As some of you may know (prob most of you) I'm building a gaming pc for under $570. This build is a kill you console build that I built on PCPartPicker myself. Now I'm building this instead of buying a PS4. Now the games I will be running,

DayZ mod and standalone
Arma III,
Battlefield 3 and 4,
Crysis 3,
Skyrim (will Skyrim run on ultra at at 25-40 fps?)
Minecraft (:P duh)
watch dogs (when it comes out)
and other high graphic Steam games

Build Link: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/PurpleDragon/saved/3rw0

So, 1.) Should I buy the parts and start building?
2.) Is Everything parts wise compatible?
3) Will I need more cooling other than the heat sink and fans the processor and case come with?


Added (1). Oh and Yes I have a external disk drive and a 32" HD LED TV I will be plugging this all into.

It'll run pretty well, but what you want to consider is the future. How will your system run on the next gen games.
1 year from now. It'll run only medium-high graphics, and You don't have a great amount of room to upgrade. In my first build, I was originally at $600 budget, but then my friend was like, how do you think you'll be 2 years from now. When your system isn't running up there in the ultra settings.You'll be disappointed. But You won't be able to upgrade, and eventually spend another $500 on something else.
Spend an extra $50 on a motherboard, so you a year from now, you can spend $300 on upgrading. Maybe you'll be able to go another few years with upgrading abilities. Go fora better motherboard, and better Power supply.