MMORPG games for very old onboard graphics card?

PC specs

CPU AMD Ahlon 64 3800+ (2.4ghz)
GPU Geforce 6100 nforce 405
RAM 3gb ddr2

I can play League of legends, minecraft on everything low or off, tf2 on everything low or off.

I was wondering is there any persisten worlds rpg like WOW thats free to play. ( don't say wow f2p, its to restricted)

please don't mention…

Everquest 1 (combat system is unbelievably slow)
WOW f2p
Runescape ( i get very low frames on it i don't know why)
Age of conan unchained (tried it doesn't work)
C9 (to low of frames)

and its gotta be 3d so please side scrollers, the only side scroller i liked was terraria. Oh and please to say upgrade your system, i will when i can, atm i can't.
Will i be able to run everquest 2?

Added (1). thanks for the help but don't you think i already tried that?

Try lowing all the graphic setting in all the games to the most basic levels. They all should run great!

Asheron's call was a great one. The first
Ever quest is also good. If your dealing with tf2 running on low.
And believe it or not Asheron's call is still being updated to this day.
Fiesta is also one that would work. I had an old toshiba laptop that ran that good. Fiesta is also free to play.
