Minecraft tekkit lite-how to charge a normal not electric jetpack?

Minecraft tekkit lite-how to charge a normal not electric jetpack?

You have two options, one requires a tool, the others a machine block.

For solid fuels you need either Biofuel Cells or Coalfuel Cells. These require at the least is Canning Machine. To fuel the jeptack using them you need to use the canning machine again, to press the Cells into the Jetpack.

If you prefer liquid fuel, which is more efficient, you need a few things. You must first refine oil into fuel, as normal oil won't work. Then you can make a Jetpack Fuller, a relatively simple tool. With the jetpack either on your back or in your inventory, right click a tank containing fuel with your Jetpack Fueller. As long as there's at least 1/4 a bucket of fuel in the tank you will completely fill the Jetpack.