Minecraft Help Needed! How to install Conquest texture pack FULLY?

Version: 1.7.10, PC: Windows 7
OptiFine, Forge, Mcpatcher, Java are all up to date and installed correctly.

I downloaded Conquest texture pack from here

I have placed Conquest zip file into Resource Packs, able to select it in the game and enjoy the game just fine. EXCEPT I can't access any items from Reference Sheet(found at the official thread) and I want to be able to use it.

I've searched for solutions but more and more I search, there are more questions popping up! (WorldEdit is to make a map right? I'm not interested in making map but I'll get it if it's necessary.) /set, /lrbuild, /replace and /setblock are commands I think? How do I use them? Metacycle plugin for easy access to Metablocks? What's that? CMT? API? Bukkit, Japanese stuff? Huh?

Now I'm not sure what I don't understand…

Does anyone know a site to explain "how to install Conquest FULLY including Reference Sheet"? You know, super easy to understand like trying to explain it to a 5 year old.

I know an easy fix for this! Do not play the game! It sucks.