Minecraft Fantasy Castle Names?

Alrighty! So, me and my friend sort of… Made a castle. Whoops. Anyway, we need a name for the beaut, and I'm usually the one who comes up with this stuff because I write fantasy. He's kind of getting on my back about naming our castle and our soon-to-be city/hold. I want something fantasy-ish. Stuff like Stoneward Castle or some s***. You guys know what I'm on about. Fantasy. I just need a few ideas to get my brain working.

Well it depends on location, what its made out of, and what it's going to be used for. Here are sample names
Croglang Fort
Larton Palace
Calterburry Hold
Bolltree Citadel
Norhall Hold
Lambridge Palace
Garring Hold
Baston Stronghold
Starnborough Hold
Hordrigg Citadel