Is a 30x30 castle big enough? ( minecraft survival)?

materials: stone bricks
Also would like to know how high it should be?

No, lol
JK it is big enough
it should be 40 blocks high

Build it as big as you want, I would build it 100x100 depending on what you add into it, if you have lots of stuff you are planning to build in it, you can always knock a wall down and expand.

Without mods 30x30 should be more than enough to house a bedroom, workshop, storage room, and library (for enchanting). If you want to have an farm and/or an animal farm "inside" you'll probably want to attach a open air courtyard. You'll have to put any mobs farms somewhere else though.

As for height, I like to build my ceilings high enough that I can jump and not hit my head, about five~six blocks or so per level.