Minecraft always at night?

I just started a survival map and it started out day, when it turned night monster came out as usual i died from a skeleton then i respawned walking little into the desert and the sun rised, but when it rised the sun would disappear, the moon did not come up and the sky was blank, then the sun rose again the same thing happened, a blank sky and this repeated and i can't stop it, please help me

Sounds like it was raining in-game. When it rains, the game obscures the sun and the moon so you can't tell what time it is. In desert and savanna biomes, the actual rain does not appear, but the sky still clouds over. Try moving to a different biome, sleeping through the night, or, if you have cheats enabled, type "/weather clear" in the chat box.

Otherwise, are you playing on a snapshot (If you're running 1.7.10 or earlier, you are NOT on a snapshot)? If so, revert to a stable version of the game. It might just be a bug in the snapshot.

PS: A period here and there would help… I could barely understand that paragraph of a sentence! Lol.