Microsoft Surface Pro Gaming?

I recently got a regular Microsoft surface for Christmas, and i really don't want it. What i asked for originally was the Surface Pro, which as i understand has the capability to run steam games, and minecraft, which is part of the reason i wanted it. My parents made the mistake of buying the regular Surface, which i'm grateful for, but it does not have the capability to run steam games, and minecraft. I'm now in a situation where i have the Surface ($349), the touch tablet 2 (for the surface, around $125), and $100 extra. I'm wondering how many games can the surface pro hold on steam while still having minecraft, and how fast they would be (lets say the games are like TF2, DOTA, ect.) so i can make a decision on whether to sell only the surface, purchase a pro, and use the touchpad with it, or to just sell both and buy a new laptop with a budget of 500-650$.

Well I have the ASUS Transformer (T100) which is kind of the Microsoft Surface competitor, I bought mine for $349, it's a fully functional x86 laptop computer that is a tablet, so it can run all desktop applicaitons. I put in a class 10 high speed microSD card on that thing and I'm jamming with StarCraft 2 and Team Fortress 2.

More info: I have a 64GB external microSD card on it and I can cram at least 40 games on it, and by 40 games, I mean Really LARGE games, being about 2-4GB in size. Games like Minecraft and smaller steam games, I could easily cram like 80+ games on it.

And since its a class 10 high speed mircoSD, it's decently fast to load up and play.

I'd save your money and get an asus T100 from Best Buy instead and use the extra $200 to get yourself some bomb accessories for it.