Lost my house in minecraft?

It's not exactly my house it's a villagers house in the village. I was just exploring around and then I got confused and lost my way back. I have been searching for hours, and I can't find it! :'( all my stuff are in a chest in the house and I've worked so hard to get it all. I found lots of wolves on the way and I finally got one tamed. It killed zombies and skeletons for me. Good doggy lol. I have some paper but I don't have the redstone and iron to make the compass and the compass to make the map D: what shall I dooo? Is there ANY way to find the village again so I can get my stuff back?

If there's a bed in that house, off yourself your dogs will spawn with. Next option is to get wood get cobble with a pick get iron get red stone that isn't so hard, you can also use console commands but that's all I know. Hoped I helped

I don't know a quick and easy way but here is what I would do. If you're playing on a PC, hit the F3 key and a bunch of info will appear in the top left corner of the screen. This has your X, Y and Z coordinates and the direction you are going in. You can use these to keep track of where you've been, where you are and what direction you are going in. I don't know if game consoles have the same function. You can also use the movement of the sun, moon andstars to get your barings. Use this information the to conduct an organized search pattern. Another thing I do is build tall collumns of dirt or stone that I can see from far away. This helps keep track of things. You're just gonna have to start looking for it but doing it in an organized way will keep you from getting lost or wandering around in circles.

Maybe you can try to open a LAN, ( you may need to be connected with the internet), and enable cheats. What this does is allow you to access cheats that you wouldn't in survival. You than can do /kill and spawn back in your village ( if you have a bed there and slept in it)

Hope this helps,

P.S. Can you help me with my question? It's "Help With A Minecraft statue?" Thanks!

Just et a whole bunch of dirt and then make a starting making a tower going upwards with you on the top until you see your house.