Looking for a good gaming laptop?

I'm looking for a fairly priced laptop that can run games, specifically minecraft. I have a budget of about $300. I also don't want to have to do any work on it. I want it ready to go when I buy it, so no installing graphics cards or anything. Lastly, I would like a well known brand. Nothing foreign to the US please. Thanks so much for your help!

Added (1). Also, I want a laptop specifically, so I can travel with it


Pick any two. Why not just buy a console? You'll get the same experience as on a $300 laptop. I'd save more money and not buy a laptop less than $650. You aren't going to have a good experience otherwise.

Not on that budget you can get a media laptop but thats about it apu gaming laptops cost a bomb

closest youll get to a decent machine is a refurbished a8 4500m

games tested

thats cheapest youd get half decently it clocks to 2.8 ghz under stress

youd best bet is go buy a xbox 360 and the game cheaper and less expensive