Little bit of help here please?

I recently started to programme some stuff, I now know how to create installers and stuff but NOT so great.Anyways my problem is when I programe some Installer to install stuff on someone's computer, it does not extraxt it on place i wanted to. I will explain you in a second. I want my Installer to install Minecraft (for example) in C:\Users\myname\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft, but you see, here IS the problem! When I copy-paste the destination folder it remembers MY Windows 7 username, and then, when some person installs the Minecraft (not for real) my installer installs another file called myname, and inside of it AppData, Roaming and the.minecraft! (I don't want to give my private username information, undestand me please).Of course, the game or whatewer runs smootly, but I want to know how to code that to install it on that persons user! This is maybe a little bit confusing, sorry for that, I can't discribe it right, read two to three times and you will undestand me! As always sorry for my English, and thanks to all people that are reading this and trying to help! This is Serbian part: Ako ste provalili ime i prezime znate da sam Srbin, molim Vas ako neki Srbin naidje na ovo odgovorite na srpskom! Lakse se razumemo.

Dpesn't minecraft just install itself when it first runs? Just download it from the website for free.