Launch Minecraft from a USB?

I'm trying to get Minecraft to run from a memory stick so I can play at school during lunch breaks, I followed all steps from here: [Read the link first] Just to double check I have a 'Datafiles' folder, a 'Launcher' folder and 'Minecraft Launcher.bat' inside of a folder called 'Minecraft'. Inside 'Datafiles' I have the '.minecraft' folder and inside 'Launcher' I have 'minecraft.exe'. This is all on a USB that had been encrypted with a type of secure volume browser. I have been told when I run 'Minecraft Launcher.bat' it will launch Minecraft if done correctly but when I run it nothing happens (Apart from the CMD window opening). Also, my school has gone and restricted us from creating.bat files in school so I was wonderign if this would be a problem.

You have to actually install it on a computer at school, it won't work from a USB