Is this CPU good for running minecraft smoothly?

Okay so, I just recently bought a HP Desktop yesterday for gaming(Minecraft.) when I tried to play it… The FPS I was getting were terrible. Complete garbage… I run like about 1-10 fps(not playable dudes) and if lucky go about 19 FPS! What the heck is the problem here?! I'm starting to think this PC is not meant for minecraft!
Computer specs:
Processor: AMD E1-2500 APU with Radeon(TM) HD Graphics
4gb of ram
64 bit windows 8 os
It's and HP desktop too
Amd Radeon HD 8240 GPU.

What is the problem or the cause? Please give me suggestions.

I know minecraft is an intensive game but I don't know what that means… I turned my settings to run minecraft as smooth as I could and nothing happens. Complete poop! What now? Return this junk and buy a new one? Or do something with java? Please give me suggestions

The problem isn't the cpu, your cpu is fine. The problem is the gpu. Radeon 8240? That is the lowest quality GPU you can get. Upgrade the GPU. Also, try upgrading the ram. 4gb and 64 bit isn't the best together. Atleast get 6gb of ram

Quote:- Please give me suggestions.
Reply:- You are NOT going to except this answer but this is your problem…
Answer:- windows 8 os
Remarks:- Minecraft can and is being played on $35 Raspberry Pi computers that only have 512 meg of ram installed in them If you don't except what I'm saying then visit the Raspberry Pi website, here.
Learn that windows is NOT the only computers operating system in the world, there are others here you will find all the latest August releases, Including Android for the PC so check it out for yourself…

Take that computer back, the cpu and gpu are garbage. I looked up benchmarking data and it is barely ahead of a pentium 4. ( A mid level cpu…6 years ago )

You could get a nice minecraft setup for cheap if you build it yourself, post your budget. It is so easy and is virtually idiot proof if you follow a guide. $250 is all you need, but $350 will handle minecraft and then some.