High CPU usage when running games/programs?

This is my first time posting onto this website. I ran into a problem last night after I restarted my computer, where any game that I start or even slightly intensive program I open, my CPU usage raises from ~14% to ~100% instantly. I have tried this on many programs such as Minecraft, any games on Steam, Firefall, and even some of Malwarebytes when I was scanning if a virus was causing this. None of my anti-virus software detected a virus, so I'm suspicious as to what the problem may be. Here are my computer specs:

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3550 CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
Memory: 8192MB RAM
OS: Windows 7

Request any extra info if needed.

It's possible that it could be malware. However, the best way to run Malwarebytes is to start windows and put it in the SAFE MODE. In Safe Mode all that boot up are the windows files and nothing else. This way if you have an active chunk of malware it doesn't run in the Safe Mode. Here's how to boot into the SAFE MODE.


You may very well be hijacked with malware that is preventing you from doing things or your computer or it may be running very slow.

The best way to work this problem is to boot your pc into the SAFE MODE. This is a mode where your computer only boots windows files and nothing else. So if there's malware present it doesn't boot up and preclude you from running antivirus/malware programs to clean up your pc. Here's how to get there.

1. Boot up or reboot your pc and when you see the screen becoming active start tapping the F8 key at one half second intervals until you see a black screen with white lettering. Be patient this may take a short while (30 seconds or so) depending on how fast your computer normally boots up.
2. Look at the list of Safe Mode options near the top of the displayed page and use the arrow keys to move the highlighted line up to the SAFE MODE WITH NETWORKING line and then hit enter.
3. Give the pc a few minutes to fully boot up. It will boot with a fairly normal looking desk top screen but will have the words "Safe Mode" in all 4 corners of the display.
4. Hopefully you have Malwarebytes installed. If so update the malware definitions using the Updates link and download the latest definitions. If you don't have it installed, use your internet browser (IE; Firefox; Chrome; etc.) and go to download.com, use the search box and search for Malwarebytes and download it and install it. Look for the Download box in dark green. You may have to click on two successive ones. When it ask you if you want a Typical or Custom installation select custom. Be careful with each successive screen. If you see any little check boxes or offers of additional software for free, decline it. This is not Malware necessarily but for the most part it's software that is not needed or wanted. Once Malwarebytes is installed, double click on the icon to run it.
5. Click on the Scan area in Malwarebytes and run a full scan. When complete review the findings (if any) and then select all of them (right click on one of the little check boxes) and then click on Remove All. Malwarebytes will remove all of the found problem items.
6. Reboot the pc.

This should remove any malware/viruses you have on your pc that is hindering your pc.

Hope this helps

Full CPU usage is NORMAL ESPECIALLY with games, video, AV software.