Is the surface pro 4 worth it?

Is the surface pro 4 worth it?

Added (1). I just need something for browsing the internet, some hd movies, very small gaming like minecraft, terraria etc.

Depends what you will use it for, how much portability you might need, and your budget. With little information from you, no guessing.

The answer to your question is "No" Here is the reason why. M$ surface pro is a locked down hardware/software system, M$ is only after one thing from M$ users that is their money. And to do thats they lock the systems down to control the users, M$ will control everything that you do. You will have no choice but to do what they say. You can't download anything and everything you want to, You will have to buy all the software from M$ on-line store at high prices. There are a couple of videos on Youtube that you should take the time to watch and listen to then you'll understand more about what's going on in the world. Google and Apple are the same they control everything their users do. So that they squeeze as much money out of each user in the shortest possible time, The web links to the Youtube are below watch them

For those basic tasks the Surface Pro 4 is not worth the cost.