Is the Mac mini worth the $600?

My friend and I were talking and he said I should get a Mac mini but I was wondering if it is worth spending $600 on it. Also is it good for gaming cuz me and my friend like to play minecraft on the PC and would the Mac mini be good for that. Also if you use some computer terms can you please explain what some of them are like RAM or what GHZ is?

Short nswer: Yes, the Mac Mini is worth the $600. I'm typing this on one right now- well, it is bumped up a bit, i7 2.6 GHz, 16GB RAM, two internal HDDs.

Like you, I have a lot of great friends who know almost nothing about computers.

To play with games, buy a PC or an XBox or a Wii or a Playstation.
For everything else, buy a Mac mini. The mini is fast and small. It has good graphics, but for games, you need GREAT graphics.

You can play games very well on an iMac or MacBook Pro 15-inch that has at least NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M with 2GB memory.

You can't play with games well on any computer with only integrated graphics, and that INCLUDES ASUS. This Asus-> is USELESS for playing with games

Is a mac good for gaming? Please give me a moment while a die of laughter.

Get a proper gaming pc.
RAM = random access memory, the more you have the quicker you can multifunction tasks
ghz = gigaherz. Speed of cpu.

You could get a build you built your self for less that could play More than Mine craft.
For the price and limited capabilities for Gaming i think its useless.