Is spending too mcuh time on the computer bad for my health?

Ok so I'll admit I spend a lot of time on my Computer. Playing games like Minecraft or Dota 2. I don't go out a lot since I havea bunch of friends from other cities and we chat with Skype and play games. Since i'm 8 hours in school everyday I can only play on the holidays. And I do play alot. I was wondering what can spending so much time on the computer do to my health? I Know it can damage my vision. I already have glasses. You see my parents keep scaring me and telling me that if you spend so much time on the comp. That my brain cells are dying and that kind of stuff. I mean now i'm really scared like can something happen to my brain? Can you get really forgetful or dumb? D:
They also tell me I should go outside and that in kinda antisocial. I mean is that really bad too?

Yes it is actually. It is bad for your back. Your are weakening all of your muscles in general which mean you are aging faster. Remember a object in motion tends to stay in motion. Not to mention you probably aren't getting enough oxygen when you sloach on chair all day.

If you have trouble sleeping or feel liek you have no energy in general this can be fixed by getting more excerise.

Haha i'm just like you! I aswell have glasses (switching to contacts soon).

Spending too much time on the computer can cause headaches, vision problems, It affects health. Watching tv might be a little better than on the computer, Read a book or anything else, Back away from the computer for a little bit.

You are usually allowed to use 2 hours a day, Put teenagers spend 31 hours on the computer a WEEK.

You should make some new friends to hang out with.Playing games and being on the computer is not bad as long as you don't do it to much.It is true that being on the computer in unhealthy! Play games be on the Internet, just don't do it for to long! Ok? Be social, make new friends, and believe me you wil have a blast! Don't be antisocial, that is bad.myb take up a hobby or something.join a youth club in your area. You can meet new people this way!