Is it normal to poop while playing my favorite video games?

I know its disrespectful to just go up to a stranger and poop not here face. But when i'm at home does it matter? I'm 14 live with mom and dad and when i play my favorite video games such as minecraft, and the gta series and have very bad poop i poop on my pants and its all mushy and warm but i still sit there with warm poop touching my but playing but it actually feels kind of warm but it stinks really bad my mom came in my room to check on me and she almost threw up and yelled at me i still poop while playing games even one of my friends do it is wrong? Have you ever pooped while enjoying your favorite video games such as amnesia gta 5 and the last of us?

What. The. ****.

It is wrong

What am i doing wrong

The hell this is really wrong.

No offense, but you either have uncontrollable bowels, or you just won't bother to actually pause your game before going to the bathroom. This break inside the bathroom will be worth pausing your game for once, unless it's an online multiplayer game. In that case, even when you pause the game, the match still goes on! This is why I barely play games like that at all!