What are your favorite and least favorite video game genres?

The genres I love include: first person shooters, third person shooters, action RPGs, hack n slash, open world, turn based RPGs, stealth, survival horror, side strollers, and platformers. Not in that order.

Gernes I HATE include: 4X, real time tactics, strategy, anything multiplayer, simulation games, pointless games like minecraft, and tower defense. Not in that order

What's yours?

Genres I LOVE include: 4X, real time tactics, strategy, anything multiplayer, simulation games, pointless games like minecraft, and tower defense. In that exact order.

The genres I hate include: first person shooters, third person shooters, action RPGs, hack n slash, open world, turn based RPGs, stealth, survival horror, side strollers, and platformers. In that exact order.

I can't think of any specific genre of video game that I "hate".
To me, a video game is a work of art… And of course, there's "good" art and "bad" art. The art of video games involves presenting a clever idea in a clever way. That could be done with an RPG, a FPS, a horror game, a comedy game, a crazy game, a serious game… If the intelligence at work behind the idea stands up… Then the game's merits will speak for themselves.
I shall offer some examples of games that I don't like…
Dirt 3 - I got it very cheap on Steam recently… Boring as hell. It looks fine in terms of graphics, but it just covers all the same predictable cliches of race car games… And tries to sell you downloadable content, or "microtransactions", and constantly reminds you throughout the game that you could do this or that if you downloaded the extra content… For a certain price… What disgusting drivel.
I would have to say that I'm at odds with Battlefield 3. I didn't buy Battlefield 4, partly because of my experience with 3. It's a love-hate relationship. I joined a clan, awesome dudes whom I consider friends, and we trained together and fought many scrims together… But to be honest, I can't stomach the high level of cheating and hacking that goes on with multiplayer games like this.
Furthermore, I find myself influenced by the politics of gaming corporations. Battlefield 3 is created by Dice, which is owned by EA games. Maxis is also owned by EA games. I was looking forward to a new Simcity… And EA games delivered complete rubbish on that front.
They forced the game to be multiplayer, in complete disregard for the fact that traditionally most Simcity players want to build their own city, on their own, NO multiplayer. They have recently patched the game with a single-player option, in response to the enormous backlash from the gaming community.

In answer to your question, I like games that are clever, games that demonstrate creative flair. The genre doesn't matter… The quality does.

My top 5 favourite games are:
Batman Arkham Asylum
Baldur's Gate (all of it)
Doom 3 (that was actually a pretty awesome ride…)

I love fps, rpg, adventure games and I don't really like those dancing games, sports or those where you tap according to the music

I like: hack n slash, platformers

i don't like: simulators, racing, third person shooters

I enjoy rougelikes, strategy, survival, micromanagment
such as nethack, Cataclysm dda, dwarf fortress

i dislikes platformers, however i still play them

I enjoy open world games that give you lots to do
I hate fantasy games, they are all the same

Likes (not in any particular order): Open world RPGs, arena shooters (like Unreal Tournament and Quake), puzzle games, and RPGs.

Dislikes (also not in any particular order): Platformers, sports games, or strategy (with the exception of Valkyria Chronicles).

Favorite games thus far:
Final Fantasy series
Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest series
Classic Doom
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons