Is comcast a good internet service provider for me?

I could classify myself as a heavy internet user, usualy spending over 30 hours a week, primarly on my laptop, and to a much smaller extent on my phone to watch youtube or view vemo (since my audio is broken on my laptop) i'm a gamer and i primarly play minecraft and mabinogi (MMORPG games) both my parents have smart phones, but my mom uses Wi-Fi to watch movies and surf the web, and my younger brothers also play minecraft with me, and occasionaly watch netflix
I need good internet service that won't lagg, but am moving to a unincorporated area, forceing us to switch to comcast (i previously had ATT) would comcast work well for me? (And my family ofc)

Comcast has been fine for me, similar use

Well Phan, if that is all you can get I wish you the best of luck. I must inform you that "Comcast" and "good" should never be used in reference to one another unless good is prefaced by "no". I have the Comcast "Xfinity Triple Play" service and being in the suburban Philadelphia area some drunk is always hitting a pole or something else and as long as your service is not out for a full calendar day you have to pay even if you only get 3 hours of service a day for a week. Comcast started out as PRISM(Philadelphia Regional In-Home Sports and Movies) and has grown to big for it's britches.

Good Luck, keep your chin up and may the sun always shine upon your day. You may need to find something else to do with your time.