Is 14 too old to play online games?

I turned 14 last month and I still play roblox, webkinz, sometimes minecraft. I also have a 3Ds and I like playing Pokémon and animal crossing on there. I get really scared that I'm too old for stuff like that, but I like to play games. Am I too old for playing those games and what should I be doing at my age? Don't say makeup, I don't want to wear that right now.

You can never be too old to play video games

Not at all! Gaming is for people of all ages. Have fun in your free time, but don't forget about school, since gaming can sometimes overtake your school effort.

Don't worry that you're too old for things like gaming until you become an adult, or if its becoming a problem (for ex if you have uncompleted or sloppy work).

No such thing as too old if you enjoy the game


As long as your alive and not hurting anyone there's no age limit to enjoying your life

I Know a few people over 50 that I have seen play mmorpg's, hopefully I don't end up like them. I would have thought 14 would have been to young.

Nope, ain't no age on games! And you shouldn't wear makeup at 14 anyways

No your not at all

I think you have a phase where you watch a film or tv series, or you play a game and you think "hang on I'm growing up this isn't right". But the phase does pass. Keep doing what you're doing if you enjoy it, I mean I don't like those games apart from Minecraft and Pokemon (I don't really play them anymore but still) but I go back to games I used to play as a child, like the old Harry Potters on Gamecube. I watch old films like the Neverending story which if I was to show to one of my friends who hadn't seen it before, they'd probably say it was for kids. And that's okay, because I know I love it. I say expand your gaming capacity, play around with a few other games, but that doesn't mean you have to stop playing those