I keep reading things about layers to find diamonds but I don't get it, is it 11 blocks down? I have no clue. I get the lava bullcrap though. I also have no idea what strip mining is and I can't watch videos for some reason…
In Minecraft, what are layers and how do I know how deep I'm?
Phillip 29.04.2015
The very bottom, if you dig all the way down, is Bedrock, a rock you can;t ever dig up (except in Creative Mode).
Layers refers to how far up from there you go, so 11 is the 11th layer from the bottom.
If you press F3 you can a data overlay on your screen, which tells you your coordiantes (Y axis being up and down).
Squidmaster 29.04.2015
If you are on a computer then click F3 (Cntrl + F3 on mac) and numbers should show up. Here, look at where it says "y=", this is your y level (or elevation from the bottom of the world). You will most likely find diamonds when your y=11
Mohammed 29.04.2015