If I wanted to record video games, what specs would be crucial that I have?

I'm preparing to build my own PC, and want to record games on it (don't worry I'm not some dumb 12 year old that wants to be the new pewdiepie) I already have some parts picked out, and I'd like to know if they could handle recording games like MineCraft, indie horrors, Etc. Http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00906HL84/
These are the parts I'm most concerned about because I'll be rendering videos, recording them, and gaming, then of course the motherboard is just simply the most important piece in general no matter how you look at it. Any help is apprecitated.

Try having 8 GB's of RAM, Unless you're running small games, then do 4 GB's if they're small.

So you want to be a youtuber eh?

The biggest things you need for a PC focused on editing and being actually able to play, will be your RAM and Graphics card. First off, set aside money for the cheapest 2x4 ram you can find, that matches the speed of your mobo (1333,1600,1866 ghz). 8gb will be needed for rendering videos, and multitasking. Next your GPU. The GPU is the largest part of the build. The 7770 will run pretty much ANY game on the market, but I would suggest the new GTX 750ti.

Just make sure you get a good PSU (I prefer corsair), and 8gb of ram. After that, parts are your choice.