If i buy Minecraft PC edition, and it don't work can i get a refund?

Hi, i can't find the right system requirements, some say its 1.9 GHz some say 2.5, when we got 2.10, which is 2.1, but if i buy it thinking i have the right system requirements to play it smoothly, and i don't, can i get a refund?

Added (1). and can you not give stupid silly or rude answers

Added (2). Processor: Celeron Dual core CPU T3500 @ 2,10GHz, 2094 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 logical processor(s)
Installed physical memory (RAM) 4.00 GB
total physical memory 3.93 GB
available physical memory 1.04 GB
total virtual memory 7.87 GB
available virtual memory 4.71 GB
page file space 3,93 GB
we have a windows 7 laptop.

Added (3). will it run MC

Just download it free?

Download the demo for minecraft and see how well it runs if it's fine then buy the game if not don't.

Get demo version. OOOR Get cubeworld: DD