If I buy a minecraft giftcard will it download on two computers?

I'm buying a minecraft game card at Walmart tomorrow and I'm downloading it on my computer, however in 6 months I might get a new computer. If I make my account and download it on my first computer will I be able to use my same account to download minecraft on my new computer?

You don't need a Minecraft account to play Minecraft, just to play online.

You can download Minecraft from https://minecraft.net/...craft.net/ free, and use that account on whatever computer has Minecraft.

Yes - You can download the Minecraft launcher from www.Minecraft.net, and you can log in from any computer at any time.

You only have to purchase it on your minecraft account, and you can play anywhere you login to that account.

Yes, just REMEMBER YOUR SECURITY QUESTIONS they ask you them on your new PC