I want to build my first pc. Jealous roommate?

I'm going to build my first pc in a few months. I really don't know enough about pcs but I want to set my budget at $3000-$3500. I told my friend who is a pc gamer and he said that I only need $2500 for gaming/photoshop/videoediting/streaming but I think it is because he is jealous and can't afford to upgrade his pc. In the end I think he wants me to build me a pc that is cheap so that when I want to upgrade he can easily buy mine on the cheap. What do you think?

Well, he's kinda right, $3,000 is a bit over the top, you can build an extremely good gaming PC that can run all games on ultra settings smoothly at $1,400 or $1,500 so there isn't much point on going over than that, why you ask? Because games won't need a 4960X or 2 GTX 780 Ti on SLI at least on 2 more years, you are fine with a budget build of even $800 and then you can save the money for other stuff.

Just so you know, these are probably some of the best builds you'll get for $3,000: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/GBLfnQ
Or maybe even this: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/VDjbTW

As you can see, this is complete overkill, specially the second build with 3 GTX 780 on SLI, and yes, you'll be able to play Minecraft, just so you know.

But anyways, after thinking about it, you should definitely go for a $3000 rig if you have the money because it's totally amazing, you'll be able to play all the games on earth from this day to maybe 2017 without struggles on ultra settings, even on a much higher resolution than 1080p.

Also, please don't be a smug saying "he is jealous and can't afford to upgrade his pc", just because you can afford something at that price doesn't mean he's poor or can't afford it, he probably spends his money on a better way than you do so please, don't say that again.

I agree with him, i mean building a pc with that much money would only show how over the top ignorant you can be, i built mine with only 847 dollars and it can run bf4 on ultra at 60 fps 1080p