I want a really nice 8 gigRAM gaming laptop but i can only spend about 300 dollars. What to do/?

I really want a cheap effective gaming laptop for minecraft and World of Warcraft but also to be gooth some other programs like work and stuff, and a decent amoint of memory, like above 4 gigs at least, but all these fancy ones are so expensiveand i don't have that much… Please help!

You won't get any sort of laptop that can run anything except Mario for under 300. You will have to go at least around 500 to find something.

Get a used laptop still in working condition

There's no such thing as a $300 "gaming laptop", regardless of how much ram you want…

For a gaming laptop, look at the $800+ range.
For simple games like WoW, a $500 laptop may do the trick… However, it may not play higher end games…