I need some advice for a computer class in school?

So in my school, we have this computer class which starts off by students learning how to type using home row. The good thing is, I can type extremely well. The bad thing is, I don't use home row and therefore I will not do well in this class. You see, I've been typing since I was like, 8, on minecraft. I use a free handed typing method. That s pretty much where the right hand controls the right side of keyboard, and left side controls left side of keyboard. Simple. Now, the school wants me to forget all that skill, and learn some bogus home row method that is unnecessary to learn if I already know how to type. What should I do?

Just ignore it, and tell them that you could type fast with a custom method. How exactly fast you could type with free hand? As long as you can get 40 wpm or higher, there isn't really a problem as you are using at least 6 fingers. Personally, I get 89 wpm on free hand. To assess your typing speed while racing and being fun with others, go to http://www.typeracer.com/