I need a change in my life?

My life is flat out boring. It needs to change.

All I do is sit at home playing Minecraft mostly all day. Pathetic, right? I only do because I have nothing better to do. None of my friends invite me to hangout or anything because they all just don't care if I'm around. I want to leave them behind, but I have trouble socializing.

I want to be more social, I just can't because I'm too awkward while talking to people I do not know.

Any advice? What should I start with changing?

Get a lava lamp and a gorilla suit

Read a book. That's something better to do. Book reading makes you more interesting, less boring.

Make reading a habit. It's a good habit.
Playing Minecraft all day is a bad habit.

Does the building you live in have a door? Use it to go out and get a life. Get a job if you do not have one.

As you keep taking one step at a time, you will eventually reach a tipping point where your thinking shifts.Poker helped me realize many things, and one of them was that if I wanted to be happy, I had to accept where I was.big lesson in patience. It doesn't matter what's going on. There will always be problems. But they don't have to clutter up your whole life.

Be patient with your progress. Stay true to your heart.

You can change your life. Sometimes it just happens in its own time. You are the director of your mind. While the event may have happened in the past, it's you who keeps playing them over and over again.

Reliving the past will get you nowhere. That's why it's essential to forgive and forget all those people in your memories.

You don't even have to forgive. All you have to do is pay less attention to those thoughts and memories.

Once you see that the only one suffering is you, the grip tends to loosen.

Have you asked yourself why you have problems socializing with people? Could it be that you feel you are uninteresting? Why have you come to this conclusion? If you have problems socializing, you need to figure out why this is and change it. If these so called friends don't care if you are around, then they truly are not friends. Try to find a group who has similar interests to you - maybe a club - and do your best to talk to people. How did you meet your current friends? Did you not talk to them and exchange ideas? When you meet new people, you should be interested in them and what they have to say - those new people will, in turn, be interested in you - and if by chance, they are not interested in you, then it is their loss. You'll find people who are interested in you and who will want to have you as part of their lives.