I don't have that much money for a computer?

Is there anyway I can get a computer for my son to game on for 250 dollars I'm not that financially set so is there any good computers for my son to play games like Minecraft and team fortress two? Please.

I got my laptop for just two hundred dollars at a windows store, or try to buy it online at ebay.

There are some good pc for $250.
If you go for a desktop, you will have to pay for pc, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and speakers.
But if you go for laptop, they all come in one.

Just make sure to check alot of places and compare for a faster pc

I have a laptop that I bought myself a couple of years ago it really wasn't that expensive seeing as i was only 13 so it was money from christmas etc and i have been able to play minecraft and tf2 on it so i think that any computer should be able to run it but mine is the Compaq CQ58. Hope that was helpful.

Yes, of course there's such thing as a laptop under 250$ for your son to game on! I've found a few amazing laptops fitting your price range. (:








If none of these work right for you, you could always search online on Toshiba, Office Depot, or even Best Buy. I also recommend maybe going to the store and asking a professional about a great laptop for your price range from one of these stores.

You can always go to an internet cafe and see if they let your son to game on their.

I'm personally saving up for the Steam machine, sure $1,750 is quite much, but at least I'll be able to play the next generations games without needing to purchase externals.

Most good gameing computers are close to 2000$ but you could ofer him/her a xbox 360 or a xboxone they are cheaper and you can play minecraft tf2 and watch youtube

Buy him a tablet. You can buy secondhand tablet with less prices.

Try buying low priced Laptops with high GPU, RAM and CpU in Lenovo or Cheap Customs Sales Centers… If your lucky, you would get warrenty