Husband obsessed with Yogscast?

My husband is completely obsessed with the Yogscast on youtube, it's all he ever watches. He'll wake up and watch a couple of videos before he gets up for working, waking me up in the process then he'll watch it from when he gets home till he falls asleep with it on. He'll take a break to eat and to watch Game of Thrones and that is it. It's got to the point where we'll be laying in bed and he'll turn on Yogscast, turn his back on me and fall asleep watching it.

I don't mind him enjoying minecraft or liking their channels, and I understand that there are a hell of a lot things he could be obsessed with so in a way I'm grateful it's this but, it's starting to get annoying. I've spent the last three nights on the sofa because he refuses to wear headphones in bed and I won't be able to get to sleep.

I tried talking to him about it and he got angry, saying that I just didn't want him to have something for himself, that he could enjoy without me. That's not the case… I just want to be able to cuddle up in bed with my husband and get a good nights sleep.

What do I do?

Tell him your his wife/husband (I don't judge), and say "You can watch yogscast, but not in bed, it ruins our time together"