I mainly use this TV for gaming so this really affects my field of view. My last TV was an LG plasma, it is really good for gaming, but I'm bringing up my last TV for comparison reasons. Lets talk about the field of view when I played Skyrim. When I played it on the LG, could see my normal FOV (field of view) by just looking at how far my characters hands would show, which was really good, but once I played it on my Emerson, I noticed I could see a lot less of my characters arms, that also means my FOV was decreased, I even noticed the change when I played Minecraft, I could see less of my character's arm, for a gamer, FOV is very important, that's why I want it fixed. Just to help you guys figure this out, my Emerson TV is a flat screen LCD display with 42 inches, the model is LF461EM4 A. I already tried going to the menu and manually zooming out but I noticed that the only options were normal (which added side bars), 16:9 (which I'm currently using but doesn't help), movie expand, zoom, and wide. All the options we're just more versions that zoom in even more. I can't figure out what I'm not doing and if the TV has a natural, non-fixable zoom. If it can't be fixed, then thank you for your help.
How to zoom out my Emerson TV?
The old cathode ray tubes would shrink over time, so when the sets were sent out from the factory they "expanded" the picture beyond the bezel of the sets cabinet.
You may need to have a tech adjust the view.
IF you are savvy, and had the Special Long shaft PLASTIC screw driver you could do it yourself. There are four 1/8 inch holes across the back of the set that this Special Plastic screwdriver fits. Two of the holes access adjustment screws for Vertical and Horizontal sizing of the tube.
Do it wrong and you can screw up the video.
NOW, on an LCD there are Four or Five buttons on the side of the frame, Which ones do what I can't say but one allows selection of screen movement, and another two allow for adjustments of it. It is a Real Pain getting it right.
More than likely the "Regular", "Widescreen", "Panoramic", and "Zoom" will do it.
Try hitting the aspect ratio button or change the aspect ration on your console.