How to speed up Minecraft on my 8GB Ram laptop?

Okay, so I bought a laptop today and has AMD Quad-Core Processor A4-5000, 8GBDDR3 L Memory and 1000GB HDD. I've been playing No More Room in Hell and runs smooth as a rock, but minecraft runs at about 20-30fps and this is doing my nut in. I can't figure it out exactly because I can't find out how to show the data and all that stuff in the game. So how do I solve this bloody problem?

Added (1). It is a good machine for gaming, because it runs Civ V well, Skyrim mediocre, but Minecraft should be spot on.

Try updating Java.

Play the game on lower settings and try not to run much in the background.

If that doesn't help, there isn't much you can do. That APU isn't that good for gaming.

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As someone else mentioned, try updating Java to the latest version. It's ironic, but that processor is known for having an extremely good GPU, but a mediocre CPU (since it's an APU, it has both parts built-in). Minecraft is one of the least GPU-dependent games, and much more CPU-dependent, so you may actually be playing one of the few games it's not the best at.