So Here's the just. I successfully got the minecraft program on my school laptop. (I know I should be paying attention in school more) But my school's security is so strong, that when I attempt to run it, it gives me a message saying, "Windows can't access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access this file." So I know that means that I have to be admin to do this, but I was wondering if there was someway to either get around this or log in as an admin. Thanks for the help in advance. (The PC runs on Windows 8)
How to RUN minecraft on my school computer?
Try and be more mature and use the loaned laptop for the purposes for which it was provided. Be sensible and remove any non-academic stuff from the laptop before the school get a chance to see how you have been abusing it.
Usually in a domain (which is setup on the school computer) they'll block most applications from running but the only way to unlock a program is to have administrative rights which you can only get if you're logged onto the admin but the work operating system (usually Windows Enterprise) is setup to block most programs or websites from running while under control of the domain so they pretty much block these thing and it requires administrative access to get into these. There's mostly no way to access this program without being logged into the administrator which is usually the school.