How to reinstall Windows 7 a completely locked PC?

So, I'm using my dad s old work laptop to game on, and it is blocked from EVERYTHING. Literally the only game I can play is Minecraft, since I can't install Steam or Terraria or CS GO or anything due to the PC being blocked from installing anything. Heck, I can't even install the latest version of Java! It's so freaking sad and I want to reinstall Windows 7 on it, but the problem is, it's even blocked from doing that! I need a BIOS pasword which I don't have access to, and opening the PC is no option as they even glued everything together so it is impossible. Any of you know a solution to thi? Bypassing the locks on everything? I really wanna install WINDOWS 7 again and do whatever I want on this PC! >

Having a bios lock means your dad worked for some very serious people. It's most unlikely that you can do anything and certainly you aren't going to somehow bypass the locks. All you can do is put a Win7 disk in, boot from the DVD (only if BIOS allows it…) and format and reinstall. I'm guessing your dad's security was ahead of that too but it's worth a shot. Otherwise use it for a doorstop. Without the keys there's little hope.

Unless the company admins clear that password you will need to send it to the manufacturer as most such security is only used bt government and military organisations. That way they can check lists of those machines to ensure it is not stolen.