Here are some ways to make money from video games
1. Become beta tester, start finding bugs / issues / errors in the game and get paid to report them. Check this site - and this 112 pages ebook -
2. Become language translator and get paid to translate games in Spanish, German, French, Polish, etc
3. Start farming gold & virtual items inside games and then trade / sell them off to other players
4. Build your game review site or YouTube channel and post / promote affiliate links from Amazon or GameStop. If someone go to the link, orders anything, then you earn some commission
5. Write unofficial guides or walk throughs and publish them on your own site or on
6. Learn programming skills, make your own video games and earn money from it
7. Become professional video game player and take part in tournaments, go over game replays and discuss game plays. See how much money some Pro Starcraft II players already made:
8. Sell game accounts -
In 2007, an account on World of Warcraft sold for around $10,000 having Night Elf Rogue named Zeuzo, considered one of the most advanced characters in the entire game
9. Stream your game plays live at and once your channel is popular enough, your account will be upgraded to get paid subscribers and sponsorship to play ads on your video stream (during breaks)